The Earth Is Moving Through Space At Around 107,826 Km/H

Fact of the day: The earth is moving through space at around 107,826 kilometres per hour relative to the sun.

We experience movement everyday. When you walk. When you drive (or are being driven).
Movement is a fairly simple part of physics. But when you observe movement, it may not be necessarily accurate because of this.
 For example, you are in a car travelling at 20 Km/H and you want to measure another vehicle's speed. You measure a truck, and the truck is (according to the device you are measuring it with) is travelling at 30 Km/H. The truck is really travelling at 50 Km/H, but the device is actually measuring the difference between the speed of your car, and the truck.
The truck is travelling at 50 Km/H relative to the earth, but the earth is not stationary. So the truck is travelling between around 107,875 and 107,775 Km/H relative to the sun. But the sun is travelling at around 828,000 Km/H around the centre of our galaxy. So the truck is actually travelling between 720,225 and 935,875 Km/H relative to the centre of our galaxy.
As you can see from this movement is relative.

Some Key Terms For Motion

Speed is the change in an objects position over time.

Velocity is an objects speed in a certain direction.

Acceleration is the rate of change in velocity. That means in physics, acceleration means a change in speed, or direction.

Inertia is related to mass. In my previous posts I have mentioned that mass is an object's resistance to movement. Inertia is how much force is needed to be applied to an object for it to change its velocity.
An object with a large inertia needs more force to change its velocity.

Momentum is the energy conservation of movement. An example is when you are playing snooker. When you use a cue to hit one of the balls, it moves, and hits the other balls, and stops on impact. But the other balls start moving on impact with the ball that was hit by the cue, because the energy was transferred from the ball that was hit by the cue into the other balls, or in other words, the energy was conserved.

We can explain all movement (except the orbits of some celestial bodies) using Isaac Newton's laws of motion.

A car moving (above)


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